Happy New Year!
It’s that time of year when we all focus our attention on improving ourselves. Gym parking lots are full. Spinach sales are up. Self-help books are flying off the shelves and alarms go off earlier than usual. (I have no idea if any of those statements are actual fact aside from the gym one, but I feel pretty confident that they are.) Each year we set goals and resolutions that last maybe a week or two and then fall by the wayside until the following January when we dust them off and swear that we’ll be true to them this time. And I am no exception. I’ve always been a goal maker and I believe that is what has helped me to accomplish so much of what I have throughout my life. But I’ve definitely failed at more goals than I’ve reached. And it seems as if each year I’m making some of the same resolutions over again. (Though I did have some awesome accomplishments last year too—50 hikes on the record, over 250 books read, another stamp in my passport, and several household projects done!)
I’ve even read a ton of books on how to make and keep goals, the science behind our habits and how to make lasting changes (only a few of those teachings have stuck, apparently!) But I continue to make them and I continue to make steps, even baby ones, towards the end goal. And I’ve found that the smaller steps and changes tend to last. Many have started choosing intentions or words of the year to focus on and I love this idea. Using an overriding thought to influence your actions in all areas of life can be a powerful way to enact change.
This year I tried to simplify a bit. I still have my list of things I’d like to accomplish, from daily habits to bucket-list type events, but I boiled them all down to 2 basic overriding themes. One, I want to get up with my alarm and stick to my daily schedule. And two, within that schedule I’ve allotted specific writing times to work on finally finishing a book. (Yeah, anyone who knows me will know I’ve set both those goals before…but this just might be the year!) My mantra/thought/intention to follow along with those is: “Never miss twice.” Obviously, the goal is to hit 100% every day but this way when life gets out of control and things fall apart it will hopefully be a little easier to get myself back on track and start again. Even if I routinely miss every other day, I’ll still make some great progress.
What goals or resolutions have you set for 2019? Or do you set them at all? What’s your method of inspiring yourself and staying motivated? How have you found the most success? What success did you see in 2018? Tell me all about them in the comments and good luck in your endeavors. You’ve got this!