52 Hikes Progress Report

This weekend marks the end of summer, the beginning of school, and a time I look at as a second new year so to speak. I like to re-evaluate goals I’ve set and where I stand. At the beginning of the year I set a goal to go hiking (or snowshoeing, depending on the weather) once a week making a grand total of 52 hikes for the year. Of course, life got in the way and had its own ideas but I’ve come pretty close despite the various health setbacks and horrid air quality thanks to all the wildfires everywhere.

I’m at the halfway point of 26 hikes just a little behind at 35 weeks. With the temps cooling down and the air clearing up and a few weeks of travel and extra hikes planned I think I may still make it to 52 before January. Regardless, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my health and stamina and am even down a few pounds (and hoping I can be down a few more before the holidays set in!)

I love being able to gage measurable progress even if its something relatively subjective. I’ve been doing a modified keto diet as part of the health overhaul and have been nowhere near perfect (I followed up today’s hike with a delicious serving of frozen yogurt!) But I’ve definitely been more conscientious about what I eat and how I treat my body and it’s making a difference. I still have more I’d like to do but the progress is there and that encourages me to keep trying.

I’ve also made a conscious effort to unplug more and connect with the people around me. As a result, I’ve done more reading, crocheting, writing and improving relationships. I still spend way too much time attached to my phone but the awareness is there and that alone has made a difference. The hubs and I have also made a great effort to stick to a budget…again, no where near perfect but being able to watch the savings grow and the debt shrink even a little is such a powerful motivator!

What motivates you to stick to your goals? How do you evaluate your progress? Do you do a daily/weekly check-in? Do you set multiple goals or work on one at a time? I’d love to hear about what you’re working towards and how you’re doing. Share your experiences, successes and setbacks in the comments below!


Waterfall Sign

Bells Canyon Waterfall

Out and About ~ 52 Hikes Update

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you might remember my goal from the beginning of the year to go on a hike a week (or go snowshoeing if the weather doesn’t permit a hike) bringing the total to 52 hikes for the year. I ended up getting sick and falling a little behind my goal but I have been slowly making strides to catch up and wanted to share a few of my favorites up to this point.

We had a few weeks of unseasonably warm weather this winter so when we would normally have been snowshoeing we had plenty of sunshine and dry ground and we tried to take advantage of it when we could. In February the hubs and I drove to the south end of the valley to explore the canyons there. Starting at the Orson Smith Park trail head we took the nearly 2 1/2 mile loop to the Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge. It’s a relatively easy climb (you could definitely tackle it with kids) and the bridge is a fun little surprise along the way. (We’ve since been back and the gulch below was brimming with greenery, the hillsides covered with flowers thanks to the spring runoff.)

Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge

We also tried the Dimple Dell Trail which winds its way right through the heart of Sandy/Draper cities. It’s got various trail outlets along the way in neighborhoods, behind schools and adjacent to shopping districts. We saw a sign and decided to pull over and give it a try rather than continue driving another 10-15 minutes to get to the canyons. Again, it was an unseasonably warm February day so the scenery left a little to be desired (lots and lots of drab brown) but it was a quiet trail that you’d never guess was in a neighborhood.

Dimple Dell Trail

I’m no where near caught up to where I need to be to hit my goal but I’ve already done more hiking in the last 4 months than I did in the previous 8 so I’ll consider that a success. (We won’t talk about the bulk of my other New Year’s Resolutions…yet! 🙂 How are you doing with the goals you’ve set? Do you have any tricks that help you build habits? (The public accountability definitely helps me.) I’d love to hear about your progress. Or any hiking suggestions you may have!

52 Hikes

Rose Canyon
Rose Canyon

Hikes 1 and 2 are down for the year. Since I’m still bouncing back from a million things my lungs and legs are not working at full capacity yet these first two were closer to home and a little on the shorter side. But they’ve already started to do the trick of making me feel better mentally and physically!

For the first hike our weather was a little sketchy and the teenager was complaining so we didn’t get up too high, but it was a good start. There was a little bit of snow, a little creek, and a biting wind. For hike two we had gorgeous weather but a shorter time frame so we explored a little and got our heart rates up. There was a lot of mud but a fun suspension bridge.

One of the greatest things about living in Utah is the access to the mountains. And I definitely don’t use them as often as I should. I’m excited to explore a little more this year and find some new favorite corners of this great state. Tell me, where do you call home? Where are your favorite outdoor spaces? Where do you like to explore?

Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge
Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge

Mediocre is More than OK

Mediocre is More Than OK

I know the idea of mediocrity carries a rather negative connotation. Synonyms range from the underwhelming “not very good” to “passable,” not generally something you’d admit to aspiring to. But the word mediocre comes from Old French and Latin and literally means “halfway up the mountain.” I don’t know about you but halfway up doesn’t sound like such a terrible place.

I live in the shadow of some of the greatest mountains on the planet. I’ve done my share of hiking and climbing them and can testify of the effort it takes to reach the top. But in life there are many of us who decide not to hike at all because of the risk of never reaching the peak, or those who set out for the peak but for various reasons don’t make it and instead of celebrating the vistas they did crest and the progress they made, can only ever focus on the things they missed. As a recovering perfectionist I can relate to both groups of people and I’m sure at least one of you reading this can too.

As part of my blogging journey I hope to challenge the idea of mediocrity. Halfway up doesn’t have to mean failure. Halfway up proves you’ve worked hard to change from where you started to somewhere higher, and that you are still working! Halfway up gives you a different perspective and provides experiences that influence where you’ll go next.

None of us is a finished product, we are all works in progress. Just because we’ve still got a ways to go doesn’t mean we haven’t already come so far. Only halfway up? Take a look around, the view is pretty incredible.  Join me, won’t you?