Happy National Book Lover’s Day!

National Book Lovers Day

In my world, every day is book lover’s day, but I guess the rest of humanity might need a special reminder. ? So, if you weren’t aware of the holiday I’m giving you a little head’s up to find at least a few minutes to celebrate in some way today. Drop into a library or bookstore, share a story with a little, read a favorite poem or just reminisce about the favorite titles and covers on your own bookshelves if you don’t have time for some serious reading. But do tell, how are you going to celebrate today?

Books and reading have always been a part of my life. During some phases I have more time to devote to them than at others but not a day goes by that I don’t do some kind of reading whether it’s a verse of scripture, an online article, or the back of the cereal box. I find that you make time for the things that matter (though not always for the things that are important, those aren’t always the same but they probably should be.) And I can always find time for at least a little bit of light reading but I know it’s not always easy, especially when you start adding jobs, kids and other responsibilities to the mix. Over the years I’ve found a few things help to make it easier to carve out some time with books.

  • Take advantage of audio books. I listen on my drive to/from work, when I’m waiting in lines, or doing chores like laundry or dishes that don’t take much mind power. (Visit my Instagram page to see my current listening experience!)


  • Always keep a book with you. Channel your inner Rory Gilmore and take a book everywhere you go (this is much easier now that we can load books on our phones, tablets etc and don’t actually have to make room in an already heavy purse for the latest 400 page thriller.)


  • Keep books in the main rooms of your home. This one is especially great if you’ve got kids. They’ll be more likely to pick them up and you can spend a few minutes of down time (or use them as a calming down tool) if they’re close at hand. A basket of books by the couch, the bed, even in the bathroom (pick some of the ones made from plastic coated pages or ones you won’t be devastated if they fall in the tub if you’re doing this with kids ?) can increase time spent reading on a daily basis.


  • Turn off the TV! This one is hard for me. It’s so easy to use this as a decompression tool, watching until late into the night (oh Netflix, you’ll be the death of me one of these days!) But especially at night, turn the TV off (and the phone and all other electronic distractions) an hour earlier than you normally do and keep a book by your bedside. There are all sorts of studies showing how the lights from our electronics can mess with our circadian rhythms and disrupt our sleep patterns so this one has a double benefit…unless you find yourself caught in the ‘just one more chapter’ trap!

What are your favorite ways to squeeze reading into your day?  And what are you currently reading that you can’t wait to get back to? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

Happy Reading!

Read Across America Day

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.                                

What Was I Scared Of

Back in a past life I taught pre-school, Kindergarten and 2nd grade for several years and worked as a children’s librarian doing story times and programming and the like for years as well. Sometimes I really miss it. Today is one of those days.

I know there’s a lot of controversy behind the man known as Dr. Seuss. Some of his political leanings have come to light and been questioned relatively recently and I can’t say I condone everything he believed or stood for. But you can’t deny that the man was a genius who revolutionized the children’s book world. There would be no Elephant and Piggie or other modern-day classics if there hadn’t first been Green Eggs and Ham or The Cat in the Hat.

He wrote countless books under several pseudonyms ranging from those beginning reader classics to lengthier volumes such as Horton Hears a Who and And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street. His grumpy Grinch is as familiar as Ebeneezer Scrooge around the holidays and is probably my favorite of his characters. But when it’s not Christmas-time my favorite story of his to read is a little-known tale that showed up in a compilation volume with The Sneetches. I found a bite-sized stand-alone copy of it several years ago that I snatched up and read to anyone who will listen. It’s got the power to send me into a fit of giggles like very few things in this world can do. I’m not even going to tell you anything else about it. But I encourage you to hunt down a copy, particularly if you’ve got any littles in your life.

And even if you don’t read this (or any other Dr. Seuss volume on what would have been his 114th birthday) book with your littles, I urge you to carve out a few minutes to read something together and celebrate the joys that reading can bring!

Thoughts for a Winter’s Day

It’s definitely winter here and all I want to do is curl up with a good book and read until spring. C.S. Lewis summed up my thoughts perfectly.

book and tea quote CS Lewis

What are you doing to stay warm this winter? And more importantly, what are you reading?!

(You can check out my current virtual stack of books by hopping over to my Goodreads page. And while you’re there, let’s be friends!)